Harness your Tik Tok content to inspire your audience

Tiktok Content

It has been well noted the entertainment draw of Tik Tok, with 60% of its users looking for funny or entertaining videos. However, your content can also inspire your audience.

A study by MRC Data and Flamingo, which was commissioned by Tik Tok, found that 43% of users feel inspired to try something new to them after watching the content of it on Tik Tok.

For the content, you create on the platform, utilize this to both draws in potential customers and for user-generated content. Interest your audience with what your product and/or services can do for them and let their inspiration take them onward.

Source: https://sproutsocial.com/insights/tiktok-stats/

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Payments Canada sees record growth in electronic payments 18 Nov

Payments Canada sees record growth in electronic payments


  • In a report by Payment Canada, looking at spending habits of Canadians in 2019/2020, contactless, ecommerce and in-app purchases have risen drastically
  • Analysing the 22 billion transactions made in 2019, which totalled C$9.9 trillion, it saw a drastic rise in online payments, with predictions that the further growth of ecommerce in 2020 will see a further rise
  • Ecommerce sales saw an 86% increase in this time, generating over C$54 million with clothing being the major source

Source : https://www.finextra.com/pressarticle/85026/payments-canada-records-surge-in-electronic-payments



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Google adverts under fire as small businesses say they cannot compete 10 Nov


  • Google finds its self in hot water as small businesses are coming forward to say they cannot compete due to how prominent Google makes certain adverts
  • Smaller businesses are saying prominence is being given to larger companies as they can spend more on advertising. Google currently holds 90% of global internet searches and is a valuable position to market from
  • This comes as Google, along with Facebook and Amazon, find themselves dealing with the U.S. government looking into if they control too large a section of the market, with the Justice Department looking into anti-competitive behaviour

Source : https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/small-businesses-say-they-cant-afford-to-compete-on-google/ar-BB1aCQ3H





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